Managing stress in the workplace are we making progress?

Stress in the workplace looks like progress is slow.

In 2018 a survey in Ireland showed stress levels in workplace doubled in 5 years.

In 2020 a mater private health care study healthy working reported

70% of workers were stressed

9 in 10 reported working while sick

3 in 10 worked against doctors advice.

Irish workers spent less than €2 euro a day on personal health and wellbeing.

2020 was a record year for people feeling stressed in work.

In 2021 reports still showed large workload, tight deadlines, too much pressure, too much responsibility, lack of managerial support, organisational changes, role uncertainty, and violence toward workers as main reason for stress in workplace.

In 2022 I am still coaching people to manage their stress caused by the same reasons.

Reduced moral, increased absenteeism, increased job turnover, in companies is still an issue what are we doing about it.

Who within your firm is really looking at the statistics to support every level of employee from CEO down as every level is suffering stress.

You can buck the trend of low moral and high staff turnover by ensuring you provide support for staff by understanding the emotional demands of looking after customers and supporting each other in work.

I can coach you to manage your stress and stay in a job you love. Contact me through