How long are you willing to wait for success?

So really, how long are you willing to wait for success.

Is it success in life, relationships, or business, you are looking for, or is it in all parts of your life?

What does success look like to you? Have you even thought about it?

Lots of people think when i’m successful i’ll do…. x,y,z, but they don't know what success looks like so they are continually pining for a future that will never occur.

Some people believe success can be defined as,

- Just waking up in the morning,

- Lots of money in the bank,

- Lots of Cars and Houses.

Many say you need patience to be successful, but poses a new question how patient do you need to be?

What price are you willing to pay for your success? Time away from kids, partner, family and friends.

Having a plan derived from taking time out to complete an exercise on the future you, where you create a vision and milestones that mean something to you, that take into account time you wish to spend with family.

The plan will include your goals in life, your values, and identifies what makes you happy.

This type of plan allows you to have the career and family lifey you will want.

The chances are, when you take the time out to look at the big picture, you will find there will be gaps between you now and the future you.

Being in the present will determine the future you can achieve, taking small steps now to invest in your future will help you close those gaps and take the first steps to success.

Any type of success requires hard work and patience, in the book Outliers by Malcom Gladwell he proposed it takes 10,000 hours of practice to be successful in something, so at 40 hrs a week 50 weeks a year it would take 5 years to be proficient.

Confucious said “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step”.

So what price will you be willing to pay for success? and how long are you willing to wait? .

So what are you willing to invest in your future to identify what does success really look like for you.

I believe everyone has the ability within to be successful.

If you would like to work on a plan contact Brian through
