Pay me big while I stay small.

Pay me big while I stay small.!!!

If you spend time over this weekend complaining to yourself that you are not paid enough for your job ask yourself......

Am I asking someone to pay me big as I stay small?.

Part of getting on in any career is the ability to show you are capable and you can deliver at the next level up.

To get that chance sometimes you have to ask for additional responsibility on top of your present job.

Good progressive leaders will appreciate the ask, they will provide you a task with guidance and constructive feedback on how you perform.

Not asking the question, wanting to stay small and not grow but expecting the big paycheck is a recipe for stagnation in your career and for your mental health.

Taking on the extra responsibility will take you out of your comfort zone and like any challenge its a stretch, but with the right support you will grow and prove you can deliver at the next level.

In career and sport if you put the extra effort into the last stretch you get the results there's pain in everything as you grow and move forward.

Your choice.