Selfcare matters for Leaders

Friday evening thought for the weekend.

Self care matters for leaders inside and outside work.

Good leaders bring their best selves to work each day. They strive to lead the team in a positive way, to encourage and mentor and to make the workplace a great place to be.

You put great care into how you manage your manager and the team you lead, you care about the people.

But what if you neglect your own self care, the chances are we will get stressed and hassled feel overwhelmed and that affects everyone around us in our professional and personal lives.

In 2010 when I suffered mental exhaustion working 84 hours a week I was most certainly not focusing on my self care, I worked longer hours to fix problems if I'm honest my leadership became inconsistant and I suffered a loss of confidence.

Self care matters for leaders inside and outside of work.

Get the basics right like

- managing your diet,

- getting exercise and

- building positive relationships

- taking time out to relax,

- monitor your workload

- monitor the time you spend working

do these things and your positive new world will start to fall into place you feel better about yourself and you begin to feel less stressed.

Check in with yourself,

How are you feeling?

Are you feeling relaxed?

Are you feeling stressed or overwhelmed?

Do you feel calm?

Take a break during the day get away from the desk for lunch, when your team see you do it they will know its OK to have a break.

Working long hours is not a badge of honour its a sign of an inability to time manage or of unreasonable demands which need to be discussed.

Respect yourself and understand the choices you make daily your life is your responsibility and self care is crucial for your future and your mental health.