How many balls do you juggle in your career?

In todays fast paced work environments people find themselves juggling a multitude of responsibilities all at the same time.

This juggling act leads to increased stress levels.

Juggling multiple conversations with stakeholders requires clarity of communication.

Managing unexpected issues while having to make quick decisions so you can get back to the daily tasks you were trying to manage is stressful.

Running out of time as you try to juggle all the responsibilities will deplete your mental energy and lead to some poor decision making which will add to your overall stress and feelings of dissatisfacion with your work.

You can navigate the juggling act more efficiently and maintain a healthier work life balance if you learn effective coping strategies.

Try to prioritise your tasks by importance and urgency.

Set a boundary between work and personal life.

Investigate time management techniques by effective use of your diary and time blocking.

Understand your responsibilities and try to delegate and collaborate with team members to distribute the work load.

Ask for help, communicate the fact you are struggling with the workload and highlight your concerns.

If you would like to know more about managing your stress contact me through

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