What would you do if you could live forever?

What would you do if you knew you could live forever?

Would you set any goals in your life?

The chances are you would put off all the great things you wanted to achieve because you could just do it tomorrow and life would become very boring.

When you realise that we are here on this earth for a limited time, Ireland as an example in 2021 had a life expendency of 82.5 years or approx 4,300 months.

4,300 months, now I challenge you to stop and reflect as you live your life at 100 mph trying to build a career that includes the validation and approval from others and a personal life that is, in truth full of envy and comparison of others a life that overall leaves you exhausted, drained and unfulfilled.

Anything worth striving for in life has some pain along the way if you can understand and believe why you are striving for that ambition then that's a start.

Taking time out to talk to a coach like me can help you reframe your life and ambitions so you can achieve your goals while managing your stress and live a life where you can really experience what is happening in the present and build a future for both your personal life and career that you really want.

Believe in yourself.