Irrational beliefs

Thursday evening message for you.

There is going to be pain in any journey in life as you reach for your goal.

Having the correct mindset to deal with all that is thrown at you is key. Stuff will happen how we react is the difference to the stress in our lives.

You can have the career and relationship you dream of if you manage your believe system and work on the irrational beliefs you hold.

Working with a coach like me we can together unwrap these beliefs, explore them and reframe them into more positive beliefs to achieve your vision and goals.

Irrational beliefs can be identified as internal beliefs such as

- There is only one way to do things

- Belief that admitting a mistake is a sign of weakness.

- Pain is a punishment we must endure for being human

- You have been suffering with a problem for a long time, you have identified a solution but are incapable of implementing the solution

-you avoid dealing with the issue because you believe you are not capable to do so.

Working on the beliefs and learning to be more positive you can become better problem solvers and decision makers. You can do this because you can now put the issue into perspective as to its importance and probability of being solved.

Running marathons and ultramarathons I believed that when it hurts so much and you can hardly breath you know you are alive.