What part does happiness play in your life?

Hmm happiness

How happy are you now? , In my coaching field I use a tool called the wheel of life with my clients.

If I asked you how happy your were with a 10 being very happy and zero meaning you are miserable, where would you place yourself on the scale.

I believe happiness is an inner state, you can’t buy it, you can’t wear it, you can’t drive it and you can’t go on holiday to it.

Marketing is all about making us believe if we buy a product we will be happy.

What do you believe.

Ken Dodd had a hit single many years ago called happiness…

He sang happiness happiness the greatest gift that I possess.. To me the world is a wonderful place, i’m the luckiest human in the human race.

I’ve got no silver i’ve got no gold but i’ve got happiness in my soul.

A wise man once told me one time when you go measuring a man’s success, don’t count money count happiness.

If your happiness depends on what others think of you the you are giving away your superpower.

Abraham Lincoln said “ Most folks are as happy as they make their minds up to be.

Coaching through bjkennomotivation can help you reach your personal and business goals and as a result self acceptance and genuine happiness.

