Choices and values for humans

Choices and values for humans.

Why do two people faced with the same decision, make different choices, why does one seize the opportunity and trive and the other languishes.

The reason "why" you value something is probably more important to " what" you value, right and wrong values therefor are inherently personal.

Some people can follow the instructions like social distancing some can not. Some can stay IN some will not, some follow the instructions some will not.

We are called human beings for many reasons, because we have a developed brain, the ability to reason and rationalise and articulate through speech. It's what differentiates us from animals.

We have seen recently highly motivated people do unsavoury down right toxic and destructive things to fellow humans mostly vulnerable in a desire for nothing more than fame on social media.

We have learned a lot in the past few weeks and thankfully it's more positive than negative as more and more people help each other, and I expect we will see more positive news stories and events.

7 mile run this evening in 1:04 with more runners around rather than traffic. Spooky!!

We have time now to think about our goals during these tough times it's never too late to craft a plan to start.

Stay positive and stay safe.
