Procrastination - Be Damned

Psychologists have identified many reasons for why people procrastinate, they believe its a trait linked to low-self confidence and increased levels of anxiety.

An inability to motivate yourself to complete or start even the simple tasks can be linked back to a lack of structure in your daily routine and a fixation on negative thoughts flooding your mind.

Procrastination can lead to increased levels of stress and regret as goals are missed and opportunities are blown away.

The constant fear of failure and growing imposter syndrome within can lead to tasks being incomplete and personal negative self talk judgement.

Research shows the average person will procrastinate for 218 minutes a day but the good news is it reduces when you get older. But that’s not much good if you are trying to build a career now.

Here’s some good tips to help you stop procrastinating, please read them now not tomorrow lol.

  1. Try to admit you are procrastinating

  2. Establish a daily routine

  3. Make a to do list

  4. Divide & Conquer. Split the tasks in small goals.

  5. Bribe yourself. Give yourself a reward

  6. Try the 3 minute rule . Try doing something for just 3 minutes and you may find you can get into it and solve the issue you had been putting off.

I am delighted you took the time to read my blog today and not tomorrow so you have taken the first step away from procrastination. Well done.

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