Future gazing -Easter a time for new beginnings.

How do you look forward to the future?

Looking forward to the future usually means thinking about something that is going to happen in the future with pleasure and excitement.

Sometimes we take time to consider what is in our future with optimism rather than thinking about the past.

Some people spend their time wishing, trusting, assuming that good things will happen at any time now for their future rather than putting in the work to deliver the future they want. They become stagent in life stuck in a rut eventually have major problems making decisions and trouble navigating their lives so they stay in their comfort zone.

Future gazing, taking action today for the future by setting yourself realistic goals in life is crucial for growing as a person. Focusing on the small steps of the ultimate goal while visualising ourselves achieving them will help you gain the future you dream of while also navigating your way around obstacles that step in the way.

The future can be uncertain, so consistent worrying about the future can only add to your stress and anxiety.

Abraham Lincoln said β€œ The best way to predict the future is to create it”.

So as you think about your future is it possible? plausible? or probable? you decide.

Easter is a time for new beginnings so why not go for it.
