What to do with Toxic people during covid 19-theres no vaccine for that!

What do you do about Toxic people in your life during covid 19.

At a time when people are feeling the anxiety and stress during covid 19, you find you still have toxic people in your life adding fuel to the fire, making you feel demeaned, attacked and misunderstood - what can you do?.

You know about the person in the group who sat at the work coffee table, who bitched about the boss, bitched about some colleagues and always had a negative story about what was happening in the company or what a boss was going to do.

You wondered how they apparently knew so much and seemed to be so connected. You came away from the conversation worried and exhausted.

You know about the relative who rings you spends an hour on the phone bending your ear about their problems, you give some practical advice which is consistently ignored but the calls keep coming and each time after each call you are exhausted.

Then there is social media where you spend hours scrolling through social media getting irate reading posts from virtual friends who you have never met, views and values you do not agree with and you jump on a post with a negative comment, when you should have taken a moment and realised there was no need for you to comment, but now you are sucked into these toxic views of toxic people and endless spiral of toxicity that just breeds insecurity, negative feelings and bad behaviour.

Do what can you do? …

-Reduce the time you spend listening to the work colleague and change coffee group over a period and set boundaries.

-Call out the colleague for their negative behaviour and advise you don't want to hear it which may help them with their self awareness.

Set boundaries for your relative tell them you have 15 mins for the call as you have something to do..

-if they are negative about a family member tell them you do not want to know about it and stop the conversation, and ask to talk about something else.

-stay calm a level headed on the call therefor you can keep control of the situation.

On social media when you read something that winds you up, step away until you calm down.

-Remember don’t judge someone if you are not will to be judged. You comments on social media will be there forever

-Even during Covid 19 and stressful times there is no excuse for toxic or cruel behaviour.

In general if you have seriously toxic people in your life you need to start to simply reduce the time you spend with them. If you are worried about offending them cut back your contact over a period of time so it’s gradual.

Talk to the person about what you are witnessing. Be assertive about how you feel.

Discuss what you see the problem is.

Realise that some toxic people simply are unwilling to change especially those who lack self awareness or social skills.

Stand up for yourself when the situation warrants it.

Remember your health and wellbeing is paramount, remove people who drain your energy and happiness from your life.


