Interviewing your prospective manager at your job interview.

So you got called for an interview, you spent hours over the cv to get it right and now you have the opportunity to get in there and sell yourself.

Right, well yea, you will have prepped your answeres for the usual competency based questions about your experience and you have brilliant examples to make you shine .

Hold on a second you have a fantastic opportunity to find out about your boss at this stage, but we don’t take the opportunity, the interview should not be all one way.

People leave jobs mainly because of their relationship with their boss, not because of pay or benefits or work involved.

You have an opportunity to take some time to identify if the boss interviewing you is someone you can respect and work well with, a person you can build a relationship with.

Asking a hiring manager a couple of questions such as,

“What type of management style do they have”? and “ How do they help staff achieve their professional goals through coaching “?

If you want to grow and succeed in the job then coaching is important.

How those questions are answered will give a great insight into the managers personality and management style.

As a result you get a great insight into the organisation culture and you can decide if that boss and company are a fit for your values.

Don’t miss that fantastic opportunity to interview your prospective manager.
