Looking after your mental health must be a priority.

Looking after your mental has to be a priority given the challenges living through covid 19.

Taking time out to find some inner peace to let go of the past and to think positively for the future is key.

Taking time out to see how far you have come on this journey and learn to Believe in yourself, really believe by giving yourself some credit.

Do someone a favour and catch up with a friend and have a laugh.

Take some time for light physical exercise, not everyone wants to run a marathon. Physical exercise can engage the positive chemicals in your brain that make you feel good.

Dopamine - the reward chemical when you meet some small steps to a goal.

Oxytocin- The love hormone, spend time with friends and do something nice for someone.

Endorphins- The pain reliever through exercise. You can also get it through meditation and laughter and having fun.

You can look in the mirror and believe in yourself and be proud of yourself while acknowledging you are a work in progress.
