Have you ever asked God for help with your career?

Have you ever asked God for help with your career.

Chances are you really only turn to God when you are desperate. Truth is every believer can expect help from God, but it takes time.

I know first hand if you read on that whilst your plans may be frustrated in the long term the opportunities will occur.

In the 90’s I was very successful in business development in financial services retail banking and I had applied for a more senior promotion 4 times without success.

I could not understand where I was going wrong, I found myself in church after each failure asking God for answers,

What’s wrong with me i’d ask?

Why can’t I get promoted?

Why don't they like me?

My performance has been faultless why do they continue to overlook me?

I would go home devestated every time feeling a a failure

I made a decision to go back to Head Office and I managed a back office team and cut my teeth on Operational management.

I didn't realise it but those decisions were a result of my asking God for help, doors had started to open instead of close.

I was on a journey.

As I was leaving the company in 1999 one of the managers responsible for not promoting me in the past asked to meet me. He was ill with cancer and I went to see him with a colleague. He advised me he was sorry I was leaving and the reason he had not promoted me previously was that I was too good at what I did and it suited him to keep me where I was, as I was delivering for him.

I left the company in October 1999 and within 7 years of that decision I had been on a journey that brought me to a career position with a six figure salary.

Unfortunately during the journey I left God behind, like most people even though I asked God to help me and things improved I then forgot to say thanks.

In 2010 working 84 hrs a week I suffered mental exhaustion and again when my situation was desperate I turned to God for help.

I came out the other end of the exhaustion I became a marathoner and ultra marathoner and started motivational speaking to help people to give something back .

I wanted some additional experience in speaking to groups of people and out of the blue I was approached about my interest to read the word of God to the congregation on Sunday in my parish church who had heard me speak at a funeral.

Suddenly I had an opportunity to stand in front of 200 people on Sunday and get used to speaking to big groups. God was coming to my help again and answering my prayers, he had not forgotten me.

Devine inspiration in my career helped me reduce my stress levels and be more peaceful and organised even now during the covid19 crisis.

The #16 tattoo I have on my arm refers to psalm 16 a prayer of confidence in God, where I have understood that with God I have all I need and my future is safe in his hands and I am thankful for the gifts given to me and how now nothing can shake me.

Since 2010 I made a decision to trust God I asked he would see me through and I knew he would.

Belief and faith is personal its worked for me.

As you plan your career know your plans can be frustrated, there will be many turns and stumbles if you can slow down in life you will identify the opportunities, doors will open and your needs will be met.
