Learning something new to keep old traditions alive.

Learning something new is very good for your brain because it stimulates neurons which help you be more open to change.

My mother baked the most beautiful Xmas puddings every year. After my siblings and I got married she also made puddings for all our families.

In all honestly I know I took it for granted. When she passed in February 2018 not only did I miss her terribly but we had discussions about the missing puddings.

This year I took her secret recipe from her papers and as I read the requirements I tried to believe that I could deliver a pudding.

As a Coach and motivational speaker I have spoken about the importance of having a growth mindset taking time out to believe in yourself as new learning gives you skills to be adaptable to changes and challenges in your life.

So I went for it and the Xmas puddings turned out great, see the attached pictures.

Believe in yourself and you can do anything.
