You can not download Trust.

We will look back at this time in history and realise we are going through a new Industrial Revolution.

Many industries are going digital, some because they have to, others maybe because its fashionable and its the flavour of the day. Either way they need to turn a pandemic into an opportunity.

Timing is everything and customers want innovation. It's important to know why the change is being made and for leaders to communicate to customers and employees alike, What went wrong if anything,

What you learned if anything,

Why and how you have changed strategy.

Marketeers will tell you every companies reality is their brand and mixed messages and unclear strategy affects the business, the retention of key staff and ultimately the bottom line.

It's important to know that you can go digital but you can not download Trust.

Clear communication is key.

5 mile TM run Thursday night on day1 of lockdown 2.

Stay safe.
