My Core Leadership Focus as a Friday message because leadership is not a game.

My Core Leadership Focus as a Friday message because leadership is not a game.

As a leader, I must recognise that stress is an inevitable part of our professional lives. But how we navigate it can make all the difference, because stress that develops into chronic stress must be avoided. My goal as a leader is to foster an environment where my team feels supported, balanced, and equipped to handle challenges, without sacrificing their well-being but get the job done.
As a leader let me show you how I will support them.

Open Communication. I encourage an open-door policy where team members can talk openly and share concerns without fear. By being available and approachable it will help reduce the pressure and stop individuals bottling up issues.

Flexibility. Being aware that life happens to all of us. So, whether it's offering flexible hours or remote work options, I want to create a balance that allows my team to perform without burning out.

Encouraging Breaks. Making sure my team take time to recharge is very important. I remind my team on a regular basis that stepping away from the desk is not a luxury—it’s a necessity for maintaining productivity and mental health.

Lead by example. I make it a point to manage and practice my own work-life balance. By leading by example, I hope to inspire the same in others.

Workload Management. I will always be aware of the work stack of my team, set boundaries and if required say no to additional workload. For any of my team struggling I ensure my team knows where to turn for support when they need it.

If I can carry this out successfully, I know I’ll have a strong, resilient team to work with.

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Leadership is not a game.