What does the way you hang your toilet roll say about you?

I’m sure you will find a quiet moment to check this out about yourself today, if you don't you may have bigger problems lol.

What does the way you place your toilet paper say about you?

Dr.Gilda Carle surveyed 2,000 people into the way we hang our toilet paper and what it could say about us. She determined that:

Roll Over
·      Those who leave the loose end away from the wall, who roll the paper over the top, those people love to be in charge, they like things in order and everything has a place. These people the research mentions tend to be in leadership roles as they like to take charge. To make matters worse the research goes on to state these “roll overs” earn significantly more than an under roller, and if that’s not bad enough if they come to your house to visit  they will switch the way your toilet roll hangs.

Roll Under
·      Those who keep the loose end beside the wall or roll under tend to be a more relaxed and dependable type of people. They like relationships with a foundation and friendships matter to them. These people tend to be more agreeable, flexible and empathic…the research calls them submissive ah come on now  !! submissive because we listen and agree and are thoughtful really ! Jeepers gets you thinking.

Don’t care either way
·      Then there are those of us like me who don’t care either way we hang the paper (we are just glad it’s there when we need it). Apparently though we prefer to minimize conflict, we appreciate flexibility, and we enjoy pushing themselves in new situations….Yes sounds good to me!

I’m sure you can find a quiet moment to figure out where you stand on this but beware it appears also from the research just flipping to be an over roller won't immediately increase your earning power.

Have a great Wednesday, love to hear your comments.

You will never look at your toilet paper in the same way again.