Staving off a relapse.

Even if you manage to get through a tough time in life there is no guarantee the same situation will not occur again in the future.

As a senior manager in the corporate world I suffered mental exhaustion in 2010 working 84 hours a week, the time out and counselling helped me understand what had happened but it was difficult not to fall back into the same trap again.

I had to work on coping strategies understand my vulnerabilities and move forward.

Writing down my situation, the causes and the emotions I felt in a journal and visualising better days ahead were key to getting better.

Understanding what went wrong becoming more aware of my surroundings and building a positive group of people around me was key.

Practicing mindfulness helped me become more in tune with my life so much so I was able to exercise for my mental health and became a marathoner and an ultra marathoner, a better dad and husband manage my reactions to my house burning down in 2013 and the death of my mother in 2018 in a more positive manner even though they were significant negative experiences.

Painful experiences are part of life taking time to slow down, live in the present and practice gratitude can help you deal with the ups and downs of living.

But if you want to change your life to be more positive, to build your career then you must spend time in contemplation where you will identify what you really want to do.

Find your determination, your true desire to make the change in your life. Make the decision to stop the bad practice that is causing self sabatoge.

When you have made the change spend time ensuring you are on track and maintain your positive approach to your determined goal.

Practice mindful awareness so you can stop yourself sliding into bad practice, this gives you the ability of an early warning system.

Believe you can do it and with the right support you can.