A growth mindset can help you give back to others.

Having a growth mindset can help you give back to others.

When you decide to grow as a person to be open to change to understand you don’t have all the answers and to want to help others then having a growth mindset can help.

Developing your talents through hard work with input from others when you ask for help, understanding that along the way you can reward yourself for all the learnings, the effort and the progress as you push through change.

People with growth mindsets believe that with work their skills, intelligence and actions can improve over time with persistence and effort.

Getting to improve your self awareness can bring about a real understanding and identification of your strengths.

When you value your strengths then you get to really identify what makes you unique as a person. Lots of people carry the same ability but use it differently how you use it allows others see what makes you unique.

As you work on your mindset suddenly you realise how others can benefit from your strengths. How they can change because of your talents, how you can and are leaving a lasting impression on people.

Running a marathon, the training, the distance, the effort, raising funds for charity makes life better for others as you grow.

People running a marathon leave a lasting impression on the people who cheer them along the route as they show their appreciation. Many of these people will change because of our talents as they start to identify and use their own unique talents.

You can take your talents across the globe and still give back and change the lives of many with your growth mindset.

Try it.