Where is your head today

Where is your head at today?

I will continue reshare my recent post regarding the upcoming  International Men's day November 19th to raise awareness.

What is your organisation doing that day to bring about awareness?

We are plagued by our thoughts, our inner voices and inner opinions swirling about in our minds all full of emotions.

Our thoughts constantly interrupt themselves as they battle within on the way to someplace in the future as we  worry about how to get there while in some cases haunted by a past we want to forget.

As adults we tell kids you can't always  have your own way, yet if we slow down we recognise its exactly that's the way we are living our lives and what we individually  expect.

Please take a moment today to try and be aware that  the present moment is all that matters, if you know or suspect  someone struggling reach out to them.

A quote I heard on radio recently "I'd take a 1000 calls to help someone than to get one call on Monday to hear we have lost a friend or colleague  to suicide.

Be kind do something in your workplace on November 19 to raise awareness of International men's day.

No one is bulletproof. #mentalhealth #suicideprevention #awareness #leadership #support

