Never ever give up.

Wednesday message -Never give up.

Getting hurt is not what we would ever want for ourselves but it happens.

So it may seem strange to practice acceptance in the face of injury.

I've been active through football all my life with a trial in the UK I was handy but  didn't want to be a professional.

I've run marathons and ultra marathons to raise funds for hospice and children's heart charity which gave me the opportunity to give back.

When you find out running marathons with 8% mobility in a hip you have to listen and in 2019 I ran my last marathon but continued to jog short distances for fitness.

4 weeks ago I had a hip replacement and making peace with the reality of no more running was frustrating .

Suddently you realise you are limited to what you can do for a period of time and you don't want to be a burden.

The healing process is challenging but vitally important to be patient to give your mind and body time to reflect and be grateful.

I have used visualisation and meditation to focus on recovery as my muscle memory comes back.

If you are injured or something is not going your way I know it sucks , however it's important to give yourself a break and rest to support recovery knowing you can work your way back to where you were and better.

Learn from it ,don't let it get the better of you and you can come back better.

4 week post Op I'm walking 50 mins twice a day and doing my exercises as per the plan maintaining a positive outlook on what has yet to come .

Believe and you can do it.

Pic of Luna my pal who won't leave my side since I got home and looks after me.