Everyone wants to feel a win sometime.

More and more people are living their lives at 100 miles an hour on auto pilot. They drive to work and wonder how they got there.

People are feeling stressed and overwhelmed and eventually they begin to wonder what’s the point in all of this and start looking for a way out.

Taking time out to slow down and live in the present can give you the opportunity unity find your true purpose and change your life.

Start with understanding your Emotional Intelligence in how you react to life’s challenges and relationships.

EI is the ability to understand ,use and manage our emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively and to be able to empathise with others.

We can increase EI by improving our listening skills, practice ways to have a positive attitude, take time out to practice self -awareness, learn to respond rather than react to conflict.

We can improve EI by doing a self evaluation of our reactions to stressful situations and making sure we take responsibility for our actions and how they effect others.

Building great relationships with others can improve our overall wellbeing and help us be more positive about the future.

When we focus on doing things we enjoy we begin to live in the present moment and we enter the state known as ‘flow’

Flow is defined as a state of consciousness during which people typically experience deep enjoyment, creativity and total involvement with life or the activity they are engaged in.

We find meaning in life when we do something greater than ourselves like raising money for charity and it makes us happy.

Happy people look back on the past with gladness to the future with hope and enjoy the present moment.

Marathon running helped me enter the flow state after i suffered mental exhaustion working 84 hours a week.

It was then I was able to live my best life and achieve the vision o had for my life.

I am now on a mission through my coaching and motivational speaking to help as many people as I can so they do not make the errors I did during my lifetime .

Learn from the best .