Imagine a No Jerk Policy in your workplace

Imagine if your workplace had a " no jerk" policy. Regardless of who it was, the best manager, the best salesperson, the colleague you have coffee with.

Imagine if being a jerk was not tolerated, now imagine how your workplace has improved.

No more overlooking bad behaviour because someone is the best sales person and brings in good revenue.

No more overbearing, hurtful people who are just downright mean, rude and ignorant and talk down to colleagues.

Awful  people with those qualities create toxic work environments and personal relationships.

If tolerated the result on colleagues in workplace is depression and anxiety that can take years to get over and even then people will identify with trigger points at later stages in their lives.

You can learn to become more resilient to bounce back from these experiences, so the next time you have a negative experience it will not have as much of an impact.

If you have just realised you could be the jerk then you can change and improve your emotional intelligence increasing your self awareness and empathy and become a good leader.

Work with me and I can help you move forward on your journey with a positive outcome.

#mentalhealth #emotionalintelligence #leadership #empathy #leadershipdevelopment #resilience