What is worry , really ?

Why do we worry ,why do we sometimes let it consume us

Worry is natural and it can keep us safe and motivate us to actually work on our work life balance

Worry makes us think about all the things that might happen it can make us frightened and lead to heightened anxiety and feelings of unfulfillment which in turn makes us judge ourselves harshly .

Next time you catch yourself worrying breath deeply try to relax and get some rest. Try to distract yourself with something that interests you so you can calm down.

Talk to a friend and check out a good mentor who you can speak openly to.

Take some time out to write down your short term goals and see how well you are doing and celebrate.

Remember if you constantly worry about your career it can lead to feelings of unfulfilment and imposter syndrome.

Coaching with Brian through bjkennomotivation.com can help you through imposter syndrome and the career you deserve.

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