There is always a lesson to learn.

There is always a lesson to learn, none of us are bulletproof.

In 2006 when I sat with my father as he was told this was the end and no more could be done, he turned to me when we were alone and said "if I had my time over, the things I would do different".

7 mile Wednesday evening run in 1:01 as skies darken and heavy rain is forecast.

My job at the time in 2006 was moving at a million miles an hour I had no time to stop, slow down, and take a life lesson to heart, and when my best pal died at 46 in 2007 I still did not learn the lesson staring me in the face with a young family.

When I suffered mental exhaustion in 2010 working 84 hrs a week I changed my life caught up on lessons learned and acknowledged none of us are bullet proof.

Set your goals, slow down and reach your dreams.


Does it excite you?

Does it excite you?

Successful people tend to have a clear vision or purpose. They imagine a great life for themselves which inspires them to move forward.

6.8 mile run in Thursday evening sunshine in 60 mins as I look forward to the Dublin half marathon on Saturday.

Move forward to your dreams and ask yourself, do you have a vision of how you want your life to be?


To be alive and feeling fulfilled.

To be alive and feeling fulfilled.

Feeling good is not to be confused with being fulfilled.

A 23 mile Sunday run in 4:10 in lashing rain to keep my October marathon goal on track.

Fulfilment can also exist when life is challenging or difficult, sometimes you can be most fulfilled when life is hard but you are doing what is important and what you have a passion for and are committed to.

Learning and growth can be difficult and painful at times but enormously fulfilling, you can learn a lot about yourself running 23 miles.! .


Monitoring your progress

"What does not destroy me makes me stronger" . Friedrich Nietzsche.

Thursday night 6.8 mile run in 1:02 dressed for rain that failed to materialise.

When chasing goals you can make mistakes, but if committed you find a determination to keep trying, to check progress, to ensure you're on the right track. If not then you make adjustments and this can take time.

Dreams may take time to be delivered, don't rush it.

You can do it.


What a fantastic birthday present.

Interesting conversation after a 7 mile Saturday morning birthday run in 1:02, it didn't feel any slower now at 59 lol.

"I've read your blog on its very interesting I kinda know now why you run, and why companies ask you to talk to them about how you changed your life around in 2010 after suffering mental exhaustion.

I think you're great for a number of reasons not just because you are my dad but it's time I felt the Runners high, the endorphins, the serotonin and the dopamine and bust my college stress.

Can I run with you today for a new experience she asked?

What a birthday present for me to run with my daughter in her first real experience into running so we ran a 2 Mile run in Marley Park, it was brilliant.

Funny she said after the run "you know dad I definitely feel better coming back than I did when we went out, and although iā€™m tired I feel good.

What a fantastic birthday present she gave me and it made my day.


When enough is enough

When enough is enough

In a chaotic, high speed world of schedules, commitments demands and stress there is a yearning for a balance.

7 mile run Wednesday night in 1:02 on a bright sunny yet windy Dublin evening.

Who's driving the bus?

When the walls are closing in and you don't have a clear perspective you need assistance to take a step back.

Exercise can help you change the negative from I can't, I have to, I need to to a positive mindset with I can, it's my choice, I don't need to do that.

From a 5k runner to a half marathoner to a marathoner to an ultra marathon runner I am proof taking time out each day to give yourself a life- giving choice while working on a personal balanced plan can change your life both in you personal and Business life.

Write down your goals and follow your dreams.
