Laugh out loud

Laugh out loud often, we feel good when we laugh it alters our body with positive endorphins and makes us feel good.

6.7 mile run tonight in 1:05 in chilly Dublin and fallen trees thanks to recent storm.

Forget about you and all the things you are going to get out of the things you are doing. Simply go out, head in the direction of your dreams, live your own kind of life, and success will chase after you and arrive in amounts greater than anticipated.

Dr Wayne Dyer.


I’m a Rat

I'm a rat!

13.3 mile run before the Dublin rain tonight in 2:10.

Turns out I was born in Chinese terms in the year of the rat, this month the Chinese celebrate the new year and its again the year of the Rat.

In Chinese culture rats represent working diligently and thriftiness and people born in the year are thought to be wealthy and prosperous.

The rat and the ox have complementary characters and will help each other in work and home lives.

In a competition held by the jade emperor to decide the zodiac animals the quick witted rat asked the diligent ox to take him on ride across the river and jumped down before the ox crossed the finish line so the rat won the race and became the first of the zodiac animals.

Must be where I got the running bug.


Don’t be phased by the road ahead.

Don't be phased by the road ahead.

13.3 mile Saturday night run in 2:14 in chilly Dublin which followed a 6 mile Friday night run.

Take some time out to think about what you want to achieve in you personal and Business life in 2020 and write it down, your mind will then go about helping you make it happen.
People with like minded goals will enter  your life and you will be surprised how your life will change for the better.

Give it a go, if I can help you send me an e mail.

#inspirationalleader #helping #makeithappen #give #goals #achieve #writeitdown


The end of a decade as I run into 2020.

The end of a decade and a 6 mile run in Dublin to bring me to 1709 miles for the year.

It’s been a decade where I can look back proud on how I have handled all the obstacles and have given thanks for the opportunities.

Suffered mental exhaustion

Lost my mum

Had my house burned down

Put four discs out in my back

Became a marathoner

Became an ultra marathoner

Became a motivational speaker

Learned to love myself again

Learned to give more time to my family

Defined my life purpose

Defined my values

Mentored individuals on their careers

Gave back in gratitude

Became a motivational speaker and have spoken across Ireland, England and Scotland on the importance of mental health to reach your business and personal goals.

I have reached out and met some of my linked in and twitter colleagues including Pauline Hartley, Samantha Kelly aka the tweetinggoddess

I have been blessed to have had the opportunity run in New York, Krakow, Lanzarote, Paris, Spain, Scotland, Ireland, Connemara to name but a few.

I have my goals set for 2020 and look forward to expanding my motivational speaking business.


Christmas running

Great weather for running over the Christmas period.

21st 6.75 miles

23rd 6.83 miles

25th 6.61 miles

26th 8.12 miles

29th 13.3 miles

30th 6.83 miles

Brings me to 1,704 miles for the year with a last run tomorrow.

Thanks to my pals who sponsored me in the Dublin marathon this year and to all the other runners across Ulster bank and RBS who have encouraged and motivated me throughout 2019 special mention for Ronan ó Byrne, Anthony Hamilton, Gary Duffy.

Running great for your mental health, honestly folks just getting out there walking or running can help your mind, it doesn't have to be the Olympics we all just do our best.

Give it a bash in 2020.


Xmas Run’s make you happy

You can’t be happy all the time because there will always be setbacks, however taking some time out to decide what happiness means to you goes a long way to helping you stay in a positive state of mind.

Figuring out who you are and what your life purpose is and writing it down helps.

Of course physical activity helps and if you can then find out running helps and provides the positive chemicals in your brain.

I will keep running into 2020
