Why your high performer doesn’t want promotion

It may be strange but not everyone wants to be a CEO or go for promotion.

Many years ago I was asked why some people in my team had not applied for a managerial promotion. The question was raised purely due to the quality of the peoples work and length of service.

It was still regarded if you were great at the work then you would be a good manager.

I sat the person down and explained that not everyone wants a promotion, the people who were great at their job may have a different perspective on life and were happy.

I pointed out that these people far from having no ambition came to work each day

With a positive attitude

Demonstrated a team first ethos

Carried out their roles perfectively

Had great pride in the company they worked for.

Mentored the younger staff in the team with training so the team results could be great.

Called out to the team if standards were slipping

Called out unacceptable behaviour because they believed in the culture and values of the organisation.

They consistently delivered on their sla’s they could always be relied on to get the job done and bring others with them.

The team looked to them as the go to person as they knew the systems and processes and they embraced it and as a result they have helped others to work to the best of their ability and take pride in the team.

Your most valuable employee may not be interested in promotion or being the next future CEO but they know their role, they embrace it and show leadership in many ways while living the life they want.

So to the leaders I urge you to embrace them and celebrate them and do not see them as people with no ambition, see them for what they are valuable top performers who do way more than can be seen on the surface as they send many future leaders on the way to success with the correct attitude to work culture and fun in the workplace.