Promote a healthy workplace not a Bully

If you are reading this something about the title drew you in.

Most people have witnessed some form of bullying in the workplace. Most people have not done anything about it.

Most people are aware bullying in any aspect of life can cause, sleeplessness, lack of consentration and appetite, headaches and emotional outbursts and significant drop in productivity in work.

Most people are aware bullies smartly carry on within the lines of an organisation. It takes a strong leader to take action.

The university of Copenhagen has highlighted through a survey of 80,000 workers that bullying in the workplace was likely to increase the incidence of heart related illness by 59%.

A bullied person was 1.59 times more likely to develop heart disease or stroke and 1.46 times likely to develop type 2 diabetes within 10 years of suffering bullying in the workplace.

The rising levels of stress harmones like cortisol along with the individual coping measures like eating to excess and drinking too much alcohol and lack of sleep add to the health issues.

The University of Sheffield and the University of Singapore have also concluded similar results with the addition of how the effect of actually witnessing the act of bullying can have adverse health effect on the witness.

So if you are being bullied or you witness it then please seek help ASAP.

Do away with humiliation, intimidation, and good people being on tender hooks.

It has never been more important for organisations to create a culture in which bullying is totally taboo and absolutely 100% not acceptable in any form.

Promote a healthy workplace not a Bully.