My mission is for you to have a successful career without the pain and mistakes I made.

My early educators put us at the top of the class for others to laugh when we got answers wrong or to stand in the corner alone to ponder why or to be sent to head masters for brutal beatings with a cane.

Because of these experiences at an early age as a boy I learned that men had to be the main providers for the family, you as a man of the house in the future had to get a good job, you had to know the answers and failure in anything you did was not an option.

In school I was thought shame , fear ,guilt and limiting beliefs and negative learned behaviours which in truth I brought subconsciously into my corporate career many years later.

School became a daily survival so I developed a suit of armour , a thick skin if you will and an alibi so I could think fast on my feet. Never would I show emotion in school.

As I grew up my father became an alcoholic he made life tough for me and I failed my maths exam in my leaving cert because he was sitting on my bed at 4 am telling me how useless I was.

I had an insatiable inner drive to get on in my corporate career ,I have been promoted in every company I have worked for and been headhunted by three banks in the jurisdiction because I build up a reputation based on my customer service, operational and problem solving skills.

My corporate career was painful every single day mostly down to my mindset and the fact I was living in the future and not the present moment.

In my head the need to get on in life was relentless ,and on a football field I had to win and I needed to score a goal to feel worthy.

When my son was born I was delighted I was a dad but the need to provide drove me to have to buy a second house.

When my daughter was born I was delighted again how beautiful she was but the need to provide became greater and I bought a third house.

This of course was all in my head ,the voices telling me what I need to be , to do as a man it was what I learned from my early educators.

My determination and relentlessness got me a football trial in the UK and a contract offer which I refused as I had obtained a job in a bank to start my career in financial services.

I was determined, committed, relentless ,in my pursuit for a senior position in corporate.

I survived 7 armed robberies in a banking career ,3 were 3 days in a row in different branch offices I covered as relief manager ,I didn’t miss a day, I served customers after each raid nothing could get in the way of potential promotion and my future career.

As a driver in a head on car crash one day on way to work ,it still did not stop me getting to the office by 5pm that day.

Being assaulted by a customer I had advised was being evicted from his house in 3 days time because of mortgage arrears did not deter me I didn’t miss a day.

My mentality was always thinking of the corporate chair ,the promotion the need to get on, to provide ,the worry of what people thought of me was I good enough was a constant question I asked myself.

I applied for a particular promotion 5 times without success and I was devastated every time I failed. I was good at what I did even then I had a great reputation and was a favourite within my peers of the organisation to gain promotion but I failed.

When I decided to leave that company for greater opportunities the Director who did not promote me called me to apologize for not promoting me , “You see Brian it suited me to keep you in the position you were in because you were so good at what you did” he said.

He had no idea the devastation I suffered over a few years he held me back in my career , I should have realised there were users in management who will keep you back ,give false feedback for their benefit. So for the benefit of anyone reading this it is important you understand the colour personality of your boss.

I was so focused in getting promoted thinking of the future working long hours I didn’t see all the additional work I had put on my wife who had her own successful career and managed the kids and the house.

When we decided to move house my wife did the search and made an offer on a beautiful house before I went to see it because I was too busy.

In 2006 when my dad died of cancer and I was with him when doctor told him there was no more that could do ,it should have been a life changing moment but my dad died ,I spoke at his funeral and I continued to live my life 100 miles an hour chasing a corporate dream. I learned nothing .

In 2007 when my best friend died of cancer and I spoke with him when he was on his death bed about an opportunity to move to another institution and he told me to take the job and look after my family and keep an eye out for his ,it should have been a life changing moment he died ,I spoke at his funeral and I continued to live my life at 100 miles an hour chasing a corporate dream. I learned nothing .

Having been headhunted back into financial services in 2007 I was not prepared for the turmoil, lack of operational experience and bad procedures I experienced that I ended up working long hours not helped by the Financial crises in 2008.

Despite being an expert in my field when I entered a room I felt an Impostor, that I was not good enough to be there and everyone in the room was better than I was. I could thank my early educators for that learned behaviour . I wore my suit of armour well and had my alibi ready just in case.

Working 84 hours a week in 2010 I suffered mental exhaustion . Receiving 250 to 300 e mails a day managing over 200 people across two banks owned by a UK parent and teams in Ireland India UK and Poland was taking its toll.

I had a huge to do list impossible for one man with about 15 managers reporting to him with broken processes and angry customers and little internal management support.

Having been diagnosed with mental exhausion at the weekend as my wife brought me to the doctor as I looked terrible I was told I needed full mental rest

I found myself at home one Monday morning my wife was gone to work, my kids to school and I sat alone in the house on the couch and cried my eyes out. I sobbed like a child as the tears ran down my face and I found it hard to breath.

I was 50 years of age and I had no idea what was happening in my head .

I was back as a 15 year old with my dad on my bed telling me how useless I was , he must have been right, I thought , why else am I at home 50 years of age a failure.

My learned behaviours and my self talk all ganged up against me , the negative voices in my head and then I realised I was treating my family just as my father had treated ours.

Everytime my dad had a drink he got a dopamine hit ,everytime I got something off a to do list I got a dopamine hit .

You see while dopamine is a positive chemical for the brain but in an unbalanced mind its addictive.

So in 2010 I changed my mindset realised I had become a people pleaser ,had allowed myself to be used for the benefit of others and the corporate chair I had chased I had actually reached it and had not realised it. I had to take responsibility for what I had allowed to happen.

A six figure salary ,a loving family two beautiful children what more is life about?

I re-evaluated my life, learned to love myself for the first time in a very long time if ever, and decided I did not care what people thought about me when I went back to work.

I started to believe I was an expert in what I did and I realised I would be more supportive to my family in the future and they were my no1 priority.

I vowed to give something back so I started to run marathons at 50 and ultra marathons at 55 to give something back.

I rebuilt my relationships with my kids and wife and put a retirement plan and debt free plan in place to mature at 58.

My mission now is to advise people they can have a successful career while living in the present but they must be clear about what they want and what their values are.

You don’t have to work 84 hours a week to be successful and any job or manager that demands that is not the company you should be working for.

I specialise in helping people manage their stress , and to be successful following a promotion because a lot of people do not receive leadership skills from their employer.

Impostor syndrome is real but I help clients realise their worth and know when they enter a room they deserve to be there.

I want people to slow down in life to understand they are here on earth to do more than go to work ,pay bills and die.

You can do it ,you can have the career you want and you don’t have to make the mistakes or suffer the pain I did to be successful.

Go for it , no regrets

Career Progression Masterclass Talbot Hotel Dublin 24th September .

People are talking about the Career Progression Masterclass I am delivering with Joseph McGuire of Clearsight Communications in the Talbot Hotel Stillorgan Dublin 24th September.

This Masterclass is designed for high impact at every level that can transform your career.

-Manage emotions and take action for positive results.

-Overcome stress and adversity with resilience.

-Build trust by understanding how your behaviours influence others.

--Overcome feelings of Imposter syndrome and start feeling like an expert.

-Learn new skills and thinking methodologies for success

Why book a place ?

You can expand your career prospects and grow your mind ,changing the way you think , the way you process information and the way you manage the assumptions you draw on in your daily life.

This Masterclass is an influential step in keeping you competitive while enhancing your skills in communication  including verbal , listening and body language.

Gain knowledge that will be of great use to you in your current role and to where you hope to go by understanding Belief systems, Mindsets,  Executive Presence and Emotional Intelligence.

If you are HR manager this Masterclass is open to your organisation sending people from your talent grid.

Book now don't miss it.

Tickets on Eventbrite

Do you work when on holidays to catch up?

What change can you make at the start of  another week.

In 2016 the chartered management institute found the majority of UK managers spent an extra 29 days annually working outside office hours.

Hardly surprising when the average manager is interrupted 56 times a day trying to do their job.

It's not new ,for years my work phone was the same as my personal phone ,as a result I was always on. My phone always rang on holidays and there was always an expectation for it to be answered.

The more the businesses I worked in became lean and agile "the always on" culture grew.

There was little support back then and little understanding if you were on holidays sitting in a corner working out a strategy to improve a service problem  overnight.

The picture attached was a holiday in Portugal when my son was 1, he's having a nap and I'm in a corner working out an issue for a customer, My wife took the picture to remind me at the time that I was always on. I couldn't see it then and it took many years for the penny to drop.

Thankfully some companies today have   an automated  process for routing e- mails back to the originator when staff are on holidays so they do not come back to full inbox .
In 2017 France introduced the right to disconnect after working hours.

The question is what do HR in companies do to identify which managers  and staff  use annual leave to catch up on workload ?

If companies do not set the correct expectation then the individual must do it and coaching can help them raise the issues and set the correct expectation.I am here to help you with that.

Stop sending e mails to your staff at ridiculous hours and your staff and managers will be more productive.

Reach out to me if you need coaching in this area.


Saturday thought for the weekend.

The Thinker by Auguste Rodin

This picture was taken of me many years ago on holiday on a beautiful remote Greek Island.

I had taken off on my own for a while and my wife (my girlfriend at the time ) had come to find me and she found me sitting by the sea in deep contemplation.

As a successful artist she advised me later I looked like the thinker by Auguste Rodin which was why she took the picture.

It is said that Rodin's sculpture represents a man lost in thought , a body with a capacity for action ,wondering ,questioning and searching for meaning. Clearly focused he intently casts his eyes downward.

In truth just before my holiday I had been unsuccessful in getting a promotion it was my second time failing.

The interview feedback was I had done great, I was just unlucky .

However I had more experience and  success in business development than the successful candidate.

I was in one of the most beautiful places in the world yet internally I was in turmoil.I was on holiday yet not present my mind was racing and my imposter syndrome was being fed.

Years later when I decided to leave the company the Regional Manager who did not promote me told me " I'm sorry I did not promote you back then ,you were too good at what you did and it suited me to keep you where you were".

No amount of contemplation on that rock could have brought me to that conclusion,  I just believed i was not good enough.

So this weekend take a moment to believe in yourself , identify anyone who  is holding you back and clarify your purpose and goals.

If you feel the need to invest in coaching for your future then reach out to me ,you will not be disappointed.

Is your boss a Corporate Psychopath? Here’s a look into your future.

Is your boss a corporate psychopath? Why would you even consider such a question?

The issue is if this has crossed your mind then you have most likely worked with and are reporting to such an individual.

Psychopaths account for 1% of the general population and depending on what you read the percentage of psychopaths in the corporate world as CEO’s can be as high as 12% more if you include senior managers reporting to CEO. The general population of prison would have approx 15% of prisoners exhibiting the traits of a psychopath.

In society they are responsible for a disproportionate amount of repetitive crime and violence.

Many psychopaths have identified they can get the benefits from a corporate career than a career of crime and avoid prison.

They are charming, confident, use positive body language and bring people into a sense of false security. Like the prisoners they are unable to learn from experience, the are pathological liars and are masters of manipulative behaviour.

They bully people to get what they want and to get results. Initially their direct reports liked them then the bullying started whereby the corporate psychopath would be ruthless toward their direct reports manipulating them destroying their self confidence with constant humiliation about the standard of work, yelling aggressively in 121 situations and degrading people within their management group settings.

It’s important to understand they do this for several reasons

  1. They like it

  2. They lack basic emotions like fear or distress.

  3. They love to see people squirm and fail

  4. They have no empathy

  5. They have no remorse

  6. The sleep better at night.

  7. I gives them power

  8. I fit’s their overall agenda for progression in their career.

As they deliver results they are adept at managing upward, people above them believe the team is doing great and they win awards, but the psychopath rules with fear and is not close enough to the team to understand issues so bigger issues will arise further down the line.

The confidence is low as a team and as an individual people query their self worth and value to the organisation and they are afraid to speak up as they may not get support.

In time when people leave the psychopath can point to other reasons for staff leaving and can be shown to manage through periods of chaos and uncertainty which of course they have created, and because they can be charming and manipulative they survive.

It’s important to note that psychopaths on average score lower on intelligence tests and may not have done well in school, but their manipulative and charm skills along with being a pathological liar can get them into senior management roles.

Unfortunately in the corporate world when these individuals are called out for bullying it may in a lot of cases be the complainant who would be offered a package to leave the company sign a non disclosure agreement and the corporate psychopath is left to continue his/her reign of terror because they deliver results or the company don’t want to change.

Remember these individuals are toxic, they do not learn from experience, they do not have empathy or remorse, they sleep very well when they destroy individuals. They are willing to sacrafice everything for success.

If you identify being managed by a corporate psychopath and would like some coaching to be able to manage the situation and not have to leave a well paid position then contact me through bjkennomotivation. com.

Managing stress in the workplace are we making progress?

Stress in the workplace looks like progress is slow.

In 2018 a survey in Ireland showed stress levels in workplace doubled in 5 years.

In 2020 a mater private health care study healthy working reported

70% of workers were stressed

9 in 10 reported working while sick

3 in 10 worked against doctors advice.

Irish workers spent less than €2 euro a day on personal health and wellbeing.

2020 was a record year for people feeling stressed in work.

In 2021 reports still showed large workload, tight deadlines, too much pressure, too much responsibility, lack of managerial support, organisational changes, role uncertainty, and violence toward workers as main reason for stress in workplace.

In 2022 I am still coaching people to manage their stress caused by the same reasons.

Reduced moral, increased absenteeism, increased job turnover, in companies is still an issue what are we doing about it.

Who within your firm is really looking at the statistics to support every level of employee from CEO down as every level is suffering stress.

You can buck the trend of low moral and high staff turnover by ensuring you provide support for staff by understanding the emotional demands of looking after customers and supporting each other in work.

I can coach you to manage your stress and stay in a job you love. Contact me through

Balancing Optimism with Realism

Do you think you are an optimist or a pessimist or maybe even you identify as a realist.

The truth is realism is somewhere as a midpoint between optimism and pessimism.

We know we have about 60000 thoughts a day and many or most of them are negative thoughts. We are too hard on ourselves we judge ourselves we speak to ourselves in our head with negative self talk that we would never dream of saying to anyone we know.

So what can you do to be optimistic yet be realistic?

One thing I would encourage you to do is to be more positive, work on a more realistic perspective on life.

Set realistic targets or goals based on your strengths and dreams and take time out to have an honest assessment of challenges in your life. A positive mindset where you pay attention to the present moment showing gratitude for what you have.

Believe in yourself and do not underestimate challenges so you can learn to manage your frustration and grow your patience.

Look forward to the future and learn that all challenges pass and do not last for ever. Expect the unexpected and have confidence in your abilities to deal with it.

Remember how we view our adversity and stress affects how we respond to it and our ability to cope.

Being a realist, you can sometimes be seen as a pessimist. But you will find that when you are being real you will identify you have all the tools to deal with life and you become a person who can plan well and therefor get on with life.

You can expect a lot from life while knowing good and bad things can happen and as a result you can be optimistic, a realist, and a more resilient happier person than you ever thought you could be.

An Easter message, Believe

A Saturday message

This weekend is an important one for me personally and for my faith where I get to reflect with feelings of sadness and happiness over a 3 day period.

This weekend religious season is not for everyone but my message taken from today's reflection which I had the honour to read to the congregation is...

If you have ever given yourself fully with great enthusiasm to a hope or dream only to have those hopes dashed and your dreams shattered then this is the time to believe and try again.

This is a time when you can believe in yourself with pride and know you can do it.

To dream of love & friendship

To dream of peace & justice

To dream of hope & freedom

To dream of light & life

To dream of health & wholeness

To dream of forgiveness & compassion

is not to dream forlornly.

What ever you believe use this weekend to believe in yourself and a new start.

Irrational beliefs

Thursday evening message for you.

There is going to be pain in any journey in life as you reach for your goal.

Having the correct mindset to deal with all that is thrown at you is key. Stuff will happen how we react is the difference to the stress in our lives.

You can have the career and relationship you dream of if you manage your believe system and work on the irrational beliefs you hold.

Working with a coach like me we can together unwrap these beliefs, explore them and reframe them into more positive beliefs to achieve your vision and goals.

Irrational beliefs can be identified as internal beliefs such as

- There is only one way to do things

- Belief that admitting a mistake is a sign of weakness.

- Pain is a punishment we must endure for being human

- You have been suffering with a problem for a long time, you have identified a solution but are incapable of implementing the solution

-you avoid dealing with the issue because you believe you are not capable to do so.

Working on the beliefs and learning to be more positive you can become better problem solvers and decision makers. You can do this because you can now put the issue into perspective as to its importance and probability of being solved.

Running marathons and ultramarathons I believed that when it hurts so much and you can hardly breath you know you are alive.

What would you do if you could live forever?

What would you do if you knew you could live forever?

Would you set any goals in your life?

The chances are you would put off all the great things you wanted to achieve because you could just do it tomorrow and life would become very boring.

When you realise that we are here on this earth for a limited time, Ireland as an example in 2021 had a life expendency of 82.5 years or approx 4,300 months.

4,300 months, now I challenge you to stop and reflect as you live your life at 100 mph trying to build a career that includes the validation and approval from others and a personal life that is, in truth full of envy and comparison of others a life that overall leaves you exhausted, drained and unfulfilled.

Anything worth striving for in life has some pain along the way if you can understand and believe why you are striving for that ambition then that's a start.

Taking time out to talk to a coach like me can help you reframe your life and ambitions so you can achieve your goals while managing your stress and live a life where you can really experience what is happening in the present and build a future for both your personal life and career that you really want.

Believe in yourself.