Does it matter where you sit in a meeting ? Yes it does and here is why.

The boss will sit in the power seat at the head of the table. They do that because they want to see and hear everyone in the meeting and manage any discussion that takes place.

Anyone who sits in that seat in the absence of the regular leader sends out the message that they are a leader and in control.

If you sit to the right or left of the boss you are straight away seen as a supporter of the boss and an influencer of sorts.

If there is no seat at the top of the table then it’s usual for the leader to take the middle seat along the side.

So where should you sit.

Well if you sit opposite your boss be prepared to be challenged and to be asked your opinion as you will be seen as a contender to your boss. If you ever find yourself in that seat and don't want to be a contender then you must ensure your body language and anything you say in the meeting is seen to be supportive of the boss.

It’s good to note that when people attend meetings regularly in the same room they tend to sit in the same seat without any realisation that where you choose to sit can help you to be successful in the meeting, to be noticed and to get an opportunity to contribute to a discussion.

In a meeting the middle seats along the side are seen as being filled by the people who are there with the intention to work with everyone in the room, to support them and to listen to them. They are usually the people who are seen as approachable and the collaborative people in the team.

So if you get to the room early choose wisely for example, if you choose a seat with your back to the wall while also facing the door you get to say hello to everyone, and make a great first impression to everyone who enters the room and people get to know you. That seat is seen as a power position in the room.

So think about where you sit especially if you have to leave early.

If you wish to be heard then you should sit to the left of your boss. If you want to be unnoticed sit to the right of your boss.

So don’t just choose a seat at random, have a goal in mind of what you want to get out of the meeting and remember where you sit can affect the perception people have of you in the meeting which also affects your career.

Choose your seat wisely.

Why would you need a Career Coach?

At some stage in your career a day will come when you realise you need some assistance to move your career along.

A great coach will have worked in industry for some time with years of experience leading and managing teams which has provided them with unique insights.

Over the past few years I have had the privilege of working with many professionals across the globe at all stages of their careers within many organisations across many industries.

An investment in yourself will more than payoff in the long run as you build on the skills and capabilities to improve your leadership skills.

As a career, mental health and wellness coach I have specialised in helping Managers be successful within the first 90 days of promotion while also working with Executives and Managers identify, manage and deal with stress in their daily lives.

It has been my pleasure to work with individuals who have improved their capabilities, overall awareness, emotional intelligence while learning how to make informed decisions and build their personal brand.

I have tailored coaching plans to suit each individual so if you are serious about bringing your career to the next level get yourself a career coach or contact me through

Procrastination - Be Damned

Psychologists have identified many reasons for why people procrastinate, they believe its a trait linked to low-self confidence and increased levels of anxiety.

An inability to motivate yourself to complete or start even the simple tasks can be linked back to a lack of structure in your daily routine and a fixation on negative thoughts flooding your mind.

Procrastination can lead to increased levels of stress and regret as goals are missed and opportunities are blown away.

The constant fear of failure and growing imposter syndrome within can lead to tasks being incomplete and personal negative self talk judgement.

Research shows the average person will procrastinate for 218 minutes a day but the good news is it reduces when you get older. But that’s not much good if you are trying to build a career now.

Here’s some good tips to help you stop procrastinating, please read them now not tomorrow lol.

  1. Try to admit you are procrastinating

  2. Establish a daily routine

  3. Make a to do list

  4. Divide & Conquer. Split the tasks in small goals.

  5. Bribe yourself. Give yourself a reward

  6. Try the 3 minute rule . Try doing something for just 3 minutes and you may find you can get into it and solve the issue you had been putting off.

I am delighted you took the time to read my blog today and not tomorrow so you have taken the first step away from procrastination. Well done.

Invest in yourself today with coaching from Brian.

Future gazing -Easter a time for new beginnings.

How do you look forward to the future?

Looking forward to the future usually means thinking about something that is going to happen in the future with pleasure and excitement.

Sometimes we take time to consider what is in our future with optimism rather than thinking about the past.

Some people spend their time wishing, trusting, assuming that good things will happen at any time now for their future rather than putting in the work to deliver the future they want. They become stagent in life stuck in a rut eventually have major problems making decisions and trouble navigating their lives so they stay in their comfort zone.

Future gazing, taking action today for the future by setting yourself realistic goals in life is crucial for growing as a person. Focusing on the small steps of the ultimate goal while visualising ourselves achieving them will help you gain the future you dream of while also navigating your way around obstacles that step in the way.

The future can be uncertain, so consistent worrying about the future can only add to your stress and anxiety.

Abraham Lincoln said “ The best way to predict the future is to create it”.

So as you think about your future is it possible? plausible? or probable? you decide.

Easter is a time for new beginnings so why not go for it.

What makes Brian a great motivational speaker and coach

Meet Brian, the ultimate survivor. He's not just a motivational speaker, coach, and mentor with over 35 years of experience leading large teams across various industries and jurisdictions. This guy has survived seven armed robberies during his banking career and battled mental exhaustion working 84 hours a week. I mean, talk about a tough cookie!

But wait, it gets better. After taking a break in 2010, Brian re-evaluated his life and became a prolific marathon and ultra-marathon runner, raising funds for charity and inspiring others with his story. He's like Forrest Gump, but with a lot more muscle and a lot less shrimp.

Now, if you're feeling stressed, don't worry. Brian's got you covered. As a mental health and wellness coach, he'll help you identify and manage your stress so you can stay in senior positions. And if you're about to start a new job, he'll coach you to succeed within the first 90 days. He's like a life coach but without the cheesy motivational posters.

But the best part? Brian's talks are not your boring, run-of-the-mill motivational speeches. He's a master storyteller who will make you believe in yourself and your inner gifts. So, whether you're a company, sports team, sales team, or university student, Brian's got the humour, the wit, and the inspiration to make your day.

What is worry , really ?

Why do we worry ,why do we sometimes let it consume us

Worry is natural and it can keep us safe and motivate us to actually work on our work life balance

Worry makes us think about all the things that might happen it can make us frightened and lead to heightened anxiety and feelings of unfulfillment which in turn makes us judge ourselves harshly .

Next time you catch yourself worrying breath deeply try to relax and get some rest. Try to distract yourself with something that interests you so you can calm down.

Talk to a friend and check out a good mentor who you can speak openly to.

Take some time out to write down your short term goals and see how well you are doing and celebrate.

Remember if you constantly worry about your career it can lead to feelings of unfulfilment and imposter syndrome.

Coaching with Brian through can help you through imposter syndrome and the career you deserve.

recognise it rec

Everyone wants to feel a win sometime.

More and more people are living their lives at 100 miles an hour on auto pilot. They drive to work and wonder how they got there.

People are feeling stressed and overwhelmed and eventually they begin to wonder what’s the point in all of this and start looking for a way out.

Taking time out to slow down and live in the present can give you the opportunity unity find your true purpose and change your life.

Start with understanding your Emotional Intelligence in how you react to life’s challenges and relationships.

EI is the ability to understand ,use and manage our emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively and to be able to empathise with others.

We can increase EI by improving our listening skills, practice ways to have a positive attitude, take time out to practice self -awareness, learn to respond rather than react to conflict.

We can improve EI by doing a self evaluation of our reactions to stressful situations and making sure we take responsibility for our actions and how they effect others.

Building great relationships with others can improve our overall wellbeing and help us be more positive about the future.

When we focus on doing things we enjoy we begin to live in the present moment and we enter the state known as ‘flow’

Flow is defined as a state of consciousness during which people typically experience deep enjoyment, creativity and total involvement with life or the activity they are engaged in.

We find meaning in life when we do something greater than ourselves like raising money for charity and it makes us happy.

Happy people look back on the past with gladness to the future with hope and enjoy the present moment.

Marathon running helped me enter the flow state after i suffered mental exhaustion working 84 hours a week.

It was then I was able to live my best life and achieve the vision o had for my life.

I am now on a mission through my coaching and motivational speaking to help as many people as I can so they do not make the errors I did during my lifetime .

Learn from the best .

Never ever give up.

Wednesday message -Never give up.

Getting hurt is not what we would ever want for ourselves but it happens.

So it may seem strange to practice acceptance in the face of injury.

I've been active through football all my life with a trial in the UK I was handy but  didn't want to be a professional.

I've run marathons and ultra marathons to raise funds for hospice and children's heart charity which gave me the opportunity to give back.

When you find out running marathons with 8% mobility in a hip you have to listen and in 2019 I ran my last marathon but continued to jog short distances for fitness.

4 weeks ago I had a hip replacement and making peace with the reality of no more running was frustrating .

Suddently you realise you are limited to what you can do for a period of time and you don't want to be a burden.

The healing process is challenging but vitally important to be patient to give your mind and body time to reflect and be grateful.

I have used visualisation and meditation to focus on recovery as my muscle memory comes back.

If you are injured or something is not going your way I know it sucks , however it's important to give yourself a break and rest to support recovery knowing you can work your way back to where you were and better.

Learn from it ,don't let it get the better of you and you can come back better.

4 week post Op I'm walking 50 mins twice a day and doing my exercises as per the plan maintaining a positive outlook on what has yet to come .

Believe and you can do it.

Pic of Luna my pal who won't leave my side since I got home and looks after me.

How do you tell people you are great at what you do?

What if you could really accept that you own your career and not your job.

What if you could get your head around the fact that personal development coaching in the first 90 days in a new job following promotion is crucial to ensure  your continued success.

Do you truly believe in yourself and are you able to communicate how good you are at your job ?

See how the fantasic actor Dinsdale Landon in the 70's TV Thriller series  explained to his client Mrs Hunter about his character name Matthew Earp and how people react to him and most important what he says about his abilities.

Believe in yourself.

If you would like coaching to manage stress , build your executive presence or to ensure you are successful in the first 90 days following promotion reach out to me .

#success #growth #react

My mission is for you to have a successful career without the pain and mistakes I made.

My early educators put us at the top of the class for others to laugh when we got answers wrong or to stand in the corner alone to ponder why or to be sent to head masters for brutal beatings with a cane.

Because of these experiences at an early age as a boy I learned that men had to be the main providers for the family, you as a man of the house in the future had to get a good job, you had to know the answers and failure in anything you did was not an option.

In school I was thought shame , fear ,guilt and limiting beliefs and negative learned behaviours which in truth I brought subconsciously into my corporate career many years later.

School became a daily survival so I developed a suit of armour , a thick skin if you will and an alibi so I could think fast on my feet. Never would I show emotion in school.

As I grew up my father became an alcoholic he made life tough for me and I failed my maths exam in my leaving cert because he was sitting on my bed at 4 am telling me how useless I was.

I had an insatiable inner drive to get on in my corporate career ,I have been promoted in every company I have worked for and been headhunted by three banks in the jurisdiction because I build up a reputation based on my customer service, operational and problem solving skills.

My corporate career was painful every single day mostly down to my mindset and the fact I was living in the future and not the present moment.

In my head the need to get on in life was relentless ,and on a football field I had to win and I needed to score a goal to feel worthy.

When my son was born I was delighted I was a dad but the need to provide drove me to have to buy a second house.

When my daughter was born I was delighted again how beautiful she was but the need to provide became greater and I bought a third house.

This of course was all in my head ,the voices telling me what I need to be , to do as a man it was what I learned from my early educators.

My determination and relentlessness got me a football trial in the UK and a contract offer which I refused as I had obtained a job in a bank to start my career in financial services.

I was determined, committed, relentless ,in my pursuit for a senior position in corporate.

I survived 7 armed robberies in a banking career ,3 were 3 days in a row in different branch offices I covered as relief manager ,I didn’t miss a day, I served customers after each raid nothing could get in the way of potential promotion and my future career.

As a driver in a head on car crash one day on way to work ,it still did not stop me getting to the office by 5pm that day.

Being assaulted by a customer I had advised was being evicted from his house in 3 days time because of mortgage arrears did not deter me I didn’t miss a day.

My mentality was always thinking of the corporate chair ,the promotion the need to get on, to provide ,the worry of what people thought of me was I good enough was a constant question I asked myself.

I applied for a particular promotion 5 times without success and I was devastated every time I failed. I was good at what I did even then I had a great reputation and was a favourite within my peers of the organisation to gain promotion but I failed.

When I decided to leave that company for greater opportunities the Director who did not promote me called me to apologize for not promoting me , “You see Brian it suited me to keep you in the position you were in because you were so good at what you did” he said.

He had no idea the devastation I suffered over a few years he held me back in my career , I should have realised there were users in management who will keep you back ,give false feedback for their benefit. So for the benefit of anyone reading this it is important you understand the colour personality of your boss.

I was so focused in getting promoted thinking of the future working long hours I didn’t see all the additional work I had put on my wife who had her own successful career and managed the kids and the house.

When we decided to move house my wife did the search and made an offer on a beautiful house before I went to see it because I was too busy.

In 2006 when my dad died of cancer and I was with him when doctor told him there was no more that could do ,it should have been a life changing moment but my dad died ,I spoke at his funeral and I continued to live my life 100 miles an hour chasing a corporate dream. I learned nothing .

In 2007 when my best friend died of cancer and I spoke with him when he was on his death bed about an opportunity to move to another institution and he told me to take the job and look after my family and keep an eye out for his ,it should have been a life changing moment he died ,I spoke at his funeral and I continued to live my life at 100 miles an hour chasing a corporate dream. I learned nothing .

Having been headhunted back into financial services in 2007 I was not prepared for the turmoil, lack of operational experience and bad procedures I experienced that I ended up working long hours not helped by the Financial crises in 2008.

Despite being an expert in my field when I entered a room I felt an Impostor, that I was not good enough to be there and everyone in the room was better than I was. I could thank my early educators for that learned behaviour . I wore my suit of armour well and had my alibi ready just in case.

Working 84 hours a week in 2010 I suffered mental exhaustion . Receiving 250 to 300 e mails a day managing over 200 people across two banks owned by a UK parent and teams in Ireland India UK and Poland was taking its toll.

I had a huge to do list impossible for one man with about 15 managers reporting to him with broken processes and angry customers and little internal management support.

Having been diagnosed with mental exhausion at the weekend as my wife brought me to the doctor as I looked terrible I was told I needed full mental rest

I found myself at home one Monday morning my wife was gone to work, my kids to school and I sat alone in the house on the couch and cried my eyes out. I sobbed like a child as the tears ran down my face and I found it hard to breath.

I was 50 years of age and I had no idea what was happening in my head .

I was back as a 15 year old with my dad on my bed telling me how useless I was , he must have been right, I thought , why else am I at home 50 years of age a failure.

My learned behaviours and my self talk all ganged up against me , the negative voices in my head and then I realised I was treating my family just as my father had treated ours.

Everytime my dad had a drink he got a dopamine hit ,everytime I got something off a to do list I got a dopamine hit .

You see while dopamine is a positive chemical for the brain but in an unbalanced mind its addictive.

So in 2010 I changed my mindset realised I had become a people pleaser ,had allowed myself to be used for the benefit of others and the corporate chair I had chased I had actually reached it and had not realised it. I had to take responsibility for what I had allowed to happen.

A six figure salary ,a loving family two beautiful children what more is life about?

I re-evaluated my life, learned to love myself for the first time in a very long time if ever, and decided I did not care what people thought about me when I went back to work.

I started to believe I was an expert in what I did and I realised I would be more supportive to my family in the future and they were my no1 priority.

I vowed to give something back so I started to run marathons at 50 and ultra marathons at 55 to give something back.

I rebuilt my relationships with my kids and wife and put a retirement plan and debt free plan in place to mature at 58.

My mission now is to advise people they can have a successful career while living in the present but they must be clear about what they want and what their values are.

You don’t have to work 84 hours a week to be successful and any job or manager that demands that is not the company you should be working for.

I specialise in helping people manage their stress , and to be successful following a promotion because a lot of people do not receive leadership skills from their employer.

Impostor syndrome is real but I help clients realise their worth and know when they enter a room they deserve to be there.

I want people to slow down in life to understand they are here on earth to do more than go to work ,pay bills and die.

You can do it ,you can have the career you want and you don’t have to make the mistakes or suffer the pain I did to be successful.

Go for it , no regrets